There are many power words that fitness professionals use when talking about fitness. There are three that I feel are the markers for individual success.
COMMITMENT: “the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled to a cause“ A person’s commitment when entering into a life changing process is key. They are either in or out. There is not middle ground. Once the commitment is made, the process can begin. Without a FULL commitment success is not possible. You can’t turn right and left at the same time. You must make a decision or a collision is inevitable. Same with fitness. Make the commitment and stick with it. Do what it takes to make your decision actually work. This includes changing nutritional choices, avoiding the bad things, putting in the hard work, resting and keeping your mental focus on your goals. Easy? NO. Will it take time? YES! But the result is worth the sacrifice, effort and time. The results is a healthier, more fit, better YOU! And YES you are worth it. Stop making excuses and make the commitment.
COURAGE: “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty”. Yes, entering into a physically and mentally demanding program takes courage. No matter what shape you are in. It is especially hard if working out is something new for you, or if past experiences have resulted in failure. If you have made the mental commitment, you have taken the first step. The courage you need is the “get up and do it” every day courage. People are fearful of making changes. It is easy to stay stagnant in our own little comfort zones, no matter how bad they may be. That is what fitness professionals are for. Not just to make you exercise, but to help guide you physically and mentally through the process, one day at a time. They help enforce the courage you display every day you come to class. Their motivation and encouragement will give you the excitement and energy you need each day. Doing something that you were afraid to do is EMPOWERING! Find your courage.
CONFIDENCE: “a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or reliance on one’s circumstances had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed“. Have you ever seen a person and the only way to describe them was that they “had an air of confidence about them”? It is a pretty cool thing to see. Many people are envious of such people and wonder why they don’t have that kind of confidence themselves. We are responsible for building our own confidence levels. One of the best confidence boosters I know of is exercise and fitness. You start feeling better, you start looking better, and feeling better about YOURSELF. The overall sense of accomplishment you feel after each workout sets the stage for your day, your week, your month, the LIFE. How awesome is that? Before long people are looking at you and wondering what you do to get that kind of confidence!
All it takes are the three C’s
Find the COURAGE
Feel the CONFIDENCE In Health
………… Canice
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